Minimum wage increase
Minimum wage increase – don’t get caught out in October
In October 2016, most minimum wage rates will increase. The national living wage (NLW), which applies to workers aged 25 or over, will not increase.
Rates are as follows:
Age October 2015 April 2016 October 2016
25 and over £6.70 £7.20 £7.20
21-24 £6.70 £6.70 £6.95
18-20 £5.30 £5.30 £5.55
16-17 £3.87 £3.87 £4.00
Apprentices £3.30 £3.30 £3.40
The Government has said that from April 2017 the national living wage and minimum wage will be uprated in parallel – currently, minimum wage operates on an October cycle, national living wage operates on an April cycle.
The objective is for the national living wage to be over £9 by 2020. A decision on the next rate increase is supposed to be taken in October – in its report on the issue, the Low Pay Commission tentatively suggested that in April 2017 the NLW will be £7.64.
Source: Minimum wage increase – don’t get caught out in October